Tony Baroud

Tony Baroud is a Lebanese television presenter. Pictures of him are used by scammers

Tony Baroud was born on March 16, 1968 in the city of Mashghara, in the western Beqaa valley. He comes from a family originally from Jounieh.

Tony Baroud

He started his career as a professional basketball player. But due to a serious injury, he had to retire from this sport. Tony Baroud then reoriented his career and specialized as a sports commentator.

He became a Lebanese television personality best known for his work with the Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation. He is well known for his appearances in the programs Iiktachafna Al Baroud, Hella w Htalla and Ahla Jalseh as an expert.

Scammers specializing in sentimental scams were interested in the Lebanese presenter’s photos. Indeed, they created fake profiles on dating sites or on social media. Then these crooks contacted women on the Internet. They then tried to seduce them. When it worked, they claimed that a big problem had occurred.

The only way to solve the problem was for their female contacts to send them money. If that worked, then the scam was successful.

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