Eric Choquet

Eric Choquet is a model and actor whose photos have been spoofed to create fake profiles on the internet

Eric Choquet is a professional model, many photos of which are available on the internet.

eric choquet

It is indeed very easy to find a whole range of photos of him on the internet site of a modeling agency.

He is also an actor who has played in secondary roles. Thus, he participated in the series “sous le soleil” (under the sun) in 1996. More recently, in 2016, he played a role in the series “La vengeance aux yeux clairs” (The revenge with clear eyes).

He also played a role in the TV movie “Le bonheur sinon rien !” (Happiness or Nothing!) in 2013.

Model, Eric Choquet is undeniably a handsome man. The scammers quickly realized this and started using his photos to create fake profiles on the internet.

They were thus able to approach women on dating sites by posing as a man with the physique of Eric Choquet.

They then seduced their contacts. Next the scammers asked for money on the pretext of a sudden disaster.

If people agreed to donate money, then the scammers succeeded in their scams. Indeed, they will never return the money. Worse, they will continue to ask for money on the pretext of new tragedies.

Eric Choquet’s photos are used so much by scammers, that we ranked the model as the 10th most spoofed person in our 2015 ranking.

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