Fight scams on the internet with !

Welcome to this new website called #1 scammer cases has been created to introduce you to the various scams that exist on the internet. 1sc stands for “Number 1 Scammer Cases”. is a new website that will help you to avoid scams on the web.

These scams go from the modernization of old scams that exist before the internet to scams created with the world wide web and its democratization. Always be suspicious when you are on the net!

Besides the home page, the website consists of seven categories

These categories are detailed below. You can access them by clicking the link at the beginning of each line or enter them via the dropdown menu on the side.

  1. Phishing: Definition of phishing with general and detailed descriptions. What to do in case of suspicious movement on your bank account?
  2. Scam by e-mails: Principle of scam attempts by e-mails with links to examples of inheritance scam, lottery scam and more
  3. Scams on the web: Types of scams you may encounter on the internet : Romance scam, fake e-commerce websites, fake loan proposal, …
  4. Internet scam – What to do? : Description of actions and remedies for victims of scams on the internet. Useful section for anyone looking for help
  5. Gallery : A list of most common persons scammers pretend to be in order to convince you to send them money
  6. Your stories: Send your testimony that describes the scam you have suffered and share your story online. This way, you will prevent others from suffering the same misadventure.

We hope will give you satisfaction. If you have any questions, comments, or want more information, feel free to leave comments in the section provided for this purpose at the bottom of the various pages and different posts.